
Sunday 10 September 2017


Hello Friends!

Eileen Hull is currently on the Paper Trail, driving the whole width of America and travelling up into Canada in her now famous Scotty, a 1976 Serra camper van! You can find out where Eileen will be visiting and teaching classes by visiting her website or by following her adventures on Facebook, where she will be doing regular Facebook Live videos.

Following on from the hugely successful release of Eileen's Scoreboard XL Journal Die and Katie Skilton's sell out shows on the Craft Channel, Hochanda, here in the UK, we want to continue to celebrate the success of Eileen's Journal Die, both here in the UK and elsewhere in the world.  Jenny Marples, Tracy Evans and I are doing a Blog Giveaway and each of us is offering one of Eileen Hull's Scoreboard XL Journal dies, by Sizzix as a prize!  We are happy to post to winners anywhere in the world.

To be in with a chance of winning one of these THREE prizes you need to:

1.  Be a follower of one or (better still) all of our Blogs
2.  Comment and tell us whether or not you already have the Eileen Hull Journal die.
3.  Be a member of Eileen Hull's Fan Club on Facebook.  It is very simple to join and there is a lot of fabulous inspiration there as well as amazing prizes.

If you are here, don't forget to visit:
Tracy Evans
Jenny Marples
Anne Redfern (you are here!)
Would you love to have one of Eileen's Journal dies?  Then please do join in the fun!  Prize winners will be announced on 30 September 2017, on each of our three blogs.  Do please check back to see if you are a winner!

If you would like some more inspiration for using Eileen's Journal die, you can purchase Eileen's eBook, Journal Treasury by clicking HERE or by clicking the link in my sidebar, above left.  The eBook has over 80 different designs to inspire you!

Thanks for your visit, hope to see you again soon - and good luck!

Hugs, Anne xxx


  1. Hi Anne,

    I am a follower of all three of you, I do not own the die (insert sad face here) and I am a member of the Fan Club. This would be super fun to win.


  2. very exciting anne - have requested to join the fan club - I didn't know it existed! It would be fabulous to win the die - I keep trying to order it but it always goes out of stock!!! Hugs rachel x

  3. A fabulous and very generous give away Anne. I have recently managed to get hold of one and cannot wait to have a play. Good Luck and Best Wishes everyone.
    Hugs Tracey x

  4. Oh Anne what a great prize. Although I make lots of mini books I don't own one of these and would love to have one. I have applied to join the fan club, looks very inspiring. Thanks for the chance to own one of these great dies. Happy crafty week, Angela xXx

  5. I follow all three blogs and I do not have the awesome Journal die but would soooo love one! I am a member of Eileen Hull's fan club on Facebook. Thank you for the chance to win. Hugs xxxxxxx

  6. Hi Anne...This is so amazing...Follow the blogs, I'm already a member of Eileen's CLub on FB and I do not have this beautiful and useful die...but wish to get one! Thanks for this opportunity...Huge Hugs...Simona

  7. Oh, you are so sweet to offer a giveaway, Anne!! I don't have the die but I am so inspired every single time I see one of your amazing creations with it!! I could never do it justice like you do, though, that's for sure!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. HI! I love your blog, there are so many wonderful things to see. It's so kind of you to offer a giveaway of this die, I don't have one yet, and I adore learning how to make books! Thanks so much! Kim

  9. I don't have the journal die, but I want one!!

  10. I follow all y'all and am on the EH FB page as well. I do not have this Die and would be so super stoked to enter this hop hop hoppity hop! Y'all rock! Keep on keepin on Red! Hugz to you muffin!

  11. How exciting!!! I don't have this die, yet. I would love to win it :-) Thank you for the chance!

  12. So nice of you, Tracy and Jenny to offer this giveaway Anne! Someone is going to get lycky!

  13. Big follower of you all and all your fabulous ideas. Especially with these dies don't have one yet trying to decide which to get first thank you fir all the fabulous inspiration

  14. Hello! Yes please, yes please! Had a play when someone kindly gave me a couple of die cuts...but how I would love my own die! Happy Monday, hope,you have a lovely week. Xxx

  15. following you now :) thank you for the awesome giveaway,I do not possess this die but have seen loads of inspiration projects !!

  16. Fantastic give away! Fell in love with this when I received the die cuts from you but I don't have the die yet. Love to see all the projects on Eileen's FB page and yes, I do already follow the three blogs. How could I not as you all produce some fabulous projects. :) Have a lovely day xx

  17. FAbulous giveaway Anne!!!!! Sorry for my absence on your blog but it's a period a little difficult! I see always your works and I comment on FB! Thanks for the chance! Barbara

  18. Fab die and very generous giveaway! Anne. It's a tick , tick tick to all three of your questions . If I was the lucky winner I would most certainly 'pay- it - back .
    hugs x

  19. Beautifull change to win this big and beautifull die. I don't have this one...

  20. Hello sweet Anne! How generous of you girls to host this giveaway! I am so impressed by the sense of community Eileen is building in her FB group and love the daily doses of inspiration! I do not have the die, but have been given several cutouts from dear friends. I am in love and it is at the top of my wish list! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Big hugs, Autumn

  21. I have loved seeing all the journals you have created with this die Anne. I don't think I can enter this as I do not 'do' facebook.
    Toni xx

  22. I am a follower and have applied to be a fan on Eileen's page on FB :-) I would love to own one of these journal dies!! I have been wanting one for ages and it was always out of stock. To own one would be a dream come true!! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

    Lols x x x

  23. I follow all of you on all social media ;)
    I would love to win and make my own journals with this fabulous die , thanks so much for the chance.

  24. This is such a cute idea, Anne. Thanks for posting this and your cute little mini book. Eileen has exploded with her darling little albums and mini books, etc. All wonderful die cuts! I also wanted to thank you so much for the sweet message you left on my blog. I am already a follower of all of you guys including Eileen. I do not have this die! Oh...the fun I could have! :) Thanks so much! <3

  25. Well here I am ... don't need to win anything I have the die!
    Love visiting you Sugar. As you might know, we evacuated Florida .. no power on our island home . . . Will return to Fernandina when we get electricity again Hope you and David are well!
    Sandy xx

  26. Omgosh!! I would totally love one of these dies! (no I do not own one as of yet)
    I am a follower of You and Tracy and when I get to Jenny's I will be of she as well!
    Yup, on FB Fans as well- please put my name in the hat! I have been coveting these dies for a while now! heehee
    and thanks for this generous giveaway! xo
    Jackie ")

  27. Thanks so much for your generosity. I would love to have the die (no, don't have it). Looks like lots of creative fun.

  28. Thank you for the amazing giveaway would love to win this fab die. I have the Journal treasury ebook and love it but I would love it if I could make some of these journals too so fingers crossed xx

  29. Now then.. all done.. I'm now following all your blogs :-)
    I don't have the journal die and would love to win one myself:-)
    Thanks for the chance:-)
    Kind regards from Tina M.

  30. The first requirement is easy. I follow all three of your blogs because your art work is very inspiring for me. I do not have Eileen's journal die, but have been eying it for a while now. I was out of stock for so long at some stores. I joined the FB group and just waiting to be approved. Thank you for the opportunity to win Eileen's journal die. suzschultz23(at)aol(dot)com

  31. I don't have the die yet, but it has been on my wish list since it was launced at Creativation. I plan to make Christmas presents with it.

  32. What a super giveaway Anne. I have Eileen's passport Die but her journal Die is still on my wish list. I also have been watching her FB feeds with Scotty and follow on the fan club. You always make such amazing journals with this Die.
    Julie x

  33. Well, I can see by the long list of comments here that I am not the only one that doesn't own this coveted die! Your many albums has had me drooling over this for quite some time. What a super generous prize offering! I have been blessed by Julia with some of these die cuts, but I do not own the die itself. I would be tickled pink if you would include me in the giveaway. I think Autumn already signed me up for the Fan page, but I better go check! I've been getting a few notifications, so perhaps I am a member! :) I think I'm followers of ya'all's blogs, but I better check that, too! I rarely look at my blog list, so not sure. I just go visiting my favorite blogs when I get a chance and try to catch up that way. Hugs to you!

  34. Hi Anne, quickly visiting as I don't have much time for blogging, but this is such a lovely opportunity to win a wonderful die that I really love (well, probably I'm not alone haha) but don't have yet unfortunately... Would be great to have it one day for my classes :-)
    Sending you hugs and love, I hope you are well and enjoying your time to create at the moment Corinne xx

  35. What a fabulous give away. I do not own this die but would so love to have it! Am a follower of yours and Jenny's, have requested to join Eileen's Fan Club and am popping over to Tracey's blog now to sign up. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this fabulous die. hugs xx

  36. Hi Anne, I don't own Eileen's wonderful journal die but I certainly do think all the team make ab fab creations with it! Thank-you all for chance to win giveaway. I'm following and have just joined Eileen's FB fan club. (I'm also wondering why Eileen's blog doesn't have a follow button, even to subscribe by email, at least not that I can find. It would be handy for more old fashioned folks like me!) Anyway, I would love to win so thank-you for the opportunity! Nicola xxx

    1. Anne, your solution worked perfectly. Thank-you! Nx


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